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Page history last edited by Anna Gay 10 years, 5 months ago

Sources to be used: TKAM, World History Article, World History Notes,English notes


1.        From research online and in texts define what culture defined the terms fair and justice during the 1950s and 1960s in America and in the World.  Then define the terms fair and justice in America today and the World today.  It might be helpful to make a chart for this question.


2.       Compare Tom Robinson’s Trial to General Homma’s trial in the article that was given in class. 


3.       Should the world have the right to judge the actions of citizens in a particular country?


4.       Are the accusers always blameless?  Cite textual evidence from the book and the article.


5.       What similarities/difference  do you see  between segregation and Jim Crow laws in America with the Internment Camps and Concentration Camps during World War II? Cite textual evidence from the book and class notes. 


6. How should modern society judge historical events? 


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