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ACT Notes and Practice Group 9

Page history last edited by Anna Gay 11 years, 10 months ago

Day 41 – Grammar Rules Tested by Sense Questions  


     -Some passages have a formal tone, others an informal

     -The tone should remain the same throughout the passage


     -It must be clear exactly what words or phrases in the sentence are modifying (or referring to) what other words or      phrases in the sentence

     -Still popular today, contemporary audiences enjoyed the book as well.

          The book is still popular today, not the audience.


Day 42 – 4 Ways to Shake Up the Math Questions 

Restate the Problem

     -When you get stuck, try looking at the problem from a different angle

     -Try rearranging the numbers or changing the fractions to decimals, or factoring, or multiplying out, or redrawing      the diagram

     -Example: Which of the following is equivalent to 777 – 776?


     *777 – 76

     *777 ÷ 76

     *7(77 – 76)


 Instead of actually performing the calculations, factoring out the 776 gives you: 776(7 – 1), which is one of the answers.


Day 43 – Important Reading Question Types

-Specific Detail Questions

     -Some give you a line reference, some don’t

     -With a line reference = asking about something very specific to that particular section of the passage

     -Without a line reference = require you to have a good sense of the structure of the whole passage


Day 44 – How Tables and Graphs Relate

-Data can be represented in many different ways

-However it appears in the passage, you will have to read and translate it to answer the questions


Day 45 – Sample Essay 1


Read the following essay and decide what score it should receive and explain why:


In many high schools, the administration has provided guidelines for the publication of student newspapers. These guidelines often determine which topics can and cannot be discussed in the newspaper, and prohibit what the administration deems inappropriate language. Many administrators and teachers feel that these restrictions enable them to provide a safe, appropriate learning environment for students. Others feel that any restriction on the student newspaper is a violation of freedom of speech. In my opinion, students should be free to write on any topic.

Firstly, restrictions will not stop certain topics being talked about. Students will always discuss topics that they are interested in. Second, students are more aware of what is or is not appropriate than the administration might think. A newspaper is there to tell news and students will therefore write about the news.

Finally and most importantly, a right such as freedom of speech should not be checked at the school door. Students not being able to cognizant and value rights such as these if they are not taught their importance in school. So high schools should not place restrictions on student newspapers.









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